In today’s economy, startups are under extreme pressure to create USP’s that they can compete on. Success adds more pressure to deliver and startups can increasingly feel overwhelmed because they have to attack too many problems in a relatively short amount of time. Two of these problems for Patari were high quality actionable Analytics and generation of user recommendations for music from the User Event after studying the usage patterns of the sites patrons increasing engagement

Client Profile is Pakistan’s fastest-growing multimedia platform. Patari works with artists to get exposure to their content via newsletters, album launches and podcasts. It engages users through content curation and content recommendation. It serves 50K monthly active users two months of public launch
Key Outcomes from Engagement
Custom Analytics system for billing and marketing research. The system was highly efficient and could analyze a day worth of data in under a minute
Generating personalized Music Recommendations by analyzing millions of events. 35% of song completions are recommended
The above features were instrumental in driving engagement and accelerating user growth and engagement